Vol 1, Issue 1, April 2016 – What Does Intellectual Freedom Mean Today?

What Does Intellectual Freedom Mean Today? A Provocation

Edited by Mike Grimshaw and Cindy Zeiher


Mike Grimshaw and Cindy Zeiher

1. Historical and Theological Reflections

Tom Altizer, “Intellectual Freedom and Distance

Victor Taylor, “From Court Life to Cartel Life: Thought’s Freedom

Henrietta Mondry, “Censorship and Intellectual Freedom: Reflections 30 Years After Chernobyl and Glasnost (1986-2016)

2. Political Interrogations

Gianni Vattimo, “Intellectual Freedom Today: Mechanisms of Power

Roland Boer, “Chinese Freedom

Sead Zimeri, “The Struggle for Intellectual Freedom

Jeff Robbins, “The Invisibility of Intellectual Freedom

Chamsy el-Ojelli, “Intellectual Freedom and Unpredictability

Noēlle Vahanian, “Intellectual Freedom and Kant

3. Intellectual Freedom and the Academy

Santiago Zabala, “What is Intellectual Freedom Today? Deliberating the Absence of Emergency

Matthew Sharpe, “Intellectual Freedom: Everything is Dangerous

Steven Shakespeare, “Intellectual Freedom: Permissive and Transgressive

Carl Mika, “What is Intellectual Freedom Today? A Māori Perspective

Georgios Tsagdis, “Suspending the Academic Space

Andrew Dickson and Ozan Alakavuklar, “(un)Ordering Intellectual Freedom

Sean Sturm and Stephen Turner, “Going Off Script: The Role of Critical Expert Studies in the Techno-Capitalistic University

4. Intellectual Freedom and the Thinking Subject

Samo Tomšič, “On Freedom of Thought

Colin Cremin, “What is Intellectual Freedom Today?

David Khan, “What Does Intellectual Freedom Mean Today?

5. Intellectual Freedom, Law, Media and Public Life

Adam Kotsko, “Intellectual Freedom in the Age of Social Media”

Nicole Thomas, “‘Why’ is a Crooked Letter, So Don’t Even Ask the Question; Swipe Right Instead

Malcolm Riddoch, “A Provocation on the Possibility of Intellectual Freedom Today: Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Garrick Cooper, “What is Intellectual Freedom Today: An Indigenous Reflection

6. Theoretical Provocations and Praxis

Jelica Šumič Riha, “Amnesia or Transmission

Todd McGowan, “The End of Resistance: Hegel’s Insubstantial Freedom

Robert Pfaller, “Intellectual Freedom Between Modernism and Post-Modernism: Calmly Wavering Between Two Kinds of Vacillation

Paul Morris, “Intellectual Freedom Today

Agon Hamza, “Lacan Contra Althusser: Dialectical Materialism vs Nominalism

Gabriel Tupinambá, “Freeing Thought From Thinkers: A Case Study

Borna Radnik, “Hegel on the Double Movement of Aufhebung

Monique Rooney, “Obscure Openings: Intellectual Freedoms of Rousseau, Agamben and Malabou

Clayton Crockett, “What is Intellectual Freedom Today? An Invitation to Think the Event

Mike Grimshaw, “The Call of Values and Justice? Rethinking Intellectual Freedom Via Caillios

Cindy Zeiher, “Embracing Zizek’s Unapologetic Obscenity: Enjoying One’s Unfreedom

Notes on Contributors