Vol 1, Issue 3, May 2017 – What Does it Mean to be Feminist Today?


Edited by Mike Grimshaw and Cindy Zeiher


Introduction: “What does it mean to be Feminist today?
Cindy Zeiher and Mike Grimshaw

Alison Horbury, “What Does Feminism Want?

Nicol Thomas, “Nasty Feminism, Nasty Feminists

Sheila Kunkle, “Feminism in the Logic of Late Capitalism

Anna Fielder, “Tending for Necessity: Reclaiming Feminism on the Left

Joanne Faulkner, “White Women Elected Trump: Feminism in Dark Times, Its Present and Future

Katerina Kolozova, “New Realisms, Materialisms, (Post-)Philosophy and the Possibility for a Feminist Internationalism

Sigi Jöttkandt, “The Power of O

Tania Toffanin, “Old and New Constraints and Resistances of Feminism: the Role of Past Experiences in Rethinking of Class, Oppression and Patriarchy

Shanti Daellenbach, “Feminism, Finance, and the work of Reproduction

Book Reviews

Todd McGowan, “Althusser and Theology” by Agon Hamza (Ed.)

Clayton Crockett, “The Trouble With Pleasure: Deleuze and Psychoanalysis” by Aaron Schuster

Niall McKay, “An Insurrectionist Manifesto: Four New Gospels for a Radical Politics” by Blanton, Ward, Clayton Crockett, Jeffrey W. Robbins, and Noëlle Vahanian”

Alenka Zupančič, “Capitalism and Desire: The Psychic Cost of Free Markets” by Todd McGowan

Notes on Contributors